Chinese Casino Kingpin Behind New Mekong Port to Serve Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone in Laos
Karl's comment: One of the consultants who worked on the tiger breeding operation at Kings Roman told us that he had seen freezer chests...

2020 Jackson Wild Winner
Special Jury Award: The Tiger Mafia Karl Ammann & Laurin Merz, HOOK Film

The Tiger King and its Original Treatment Proposal
Some five years ago Eric Goode, one of the directors of the Tiger King, approached me after supposedly having heard me give an interview...

THE TIGER MAFIA - Best Feature Film 2020
At the Jackson Wild Festival THE TIGER MAFIA Produced by: HOOK Film, Switzerland Authors: Karl Ammann, Laurin Merz An award sponsored by...

At the Sunny Side of the Doc Festival THE TIGER MAFIA Produced by: HOOK Film, Switzerland Authors: Karl Ammann, Laurin Merz An award...

Woodside man pays the price for smuggling in lion and tiger parts from Texas to Thailand A Woodside man was sentenced in the...
POLICE CRACK DOWN ON ILLEGAL TIGER TRADE A fresh-killed tiger, tiger skins and pelts of other...
Exploitation of Endangered Species Feared as China Revisits Wildlife Law
BEIJING — A proposed revision to China‘s Wildlife Protection Law is being criticized by conservationists who fear it could legitimize the...
Tiger selfies: Chinese, Indian tourists lead cruel social media trend that’s driving Thailand’s capt
On the shabby outskirts of a seaside resort in Thailand, a Chinese couple in beachwear lean across the back of an adult tiger. The big...
Meth crisis spreading as supply surges, prices drop WASHINGTON -...