This is what happens in China

From: KIEFEL Kilian [] Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2021 4:04 PM To: Karl Amann; 'Laurin Merz' Cc: NODALE Suzanne Subject: RE: The Tiger Mafia selected at Outdocs
Dear Karl, dear Laurin,
The festival just contacted me about the censorship :
As know, all the films will be examined by censorship before officially enter our festival this year. And we are sorry to inform you that The Tiger Mafia did not pass the censorship. The previous pre-confirmation will be deemed invalid.
Sorry again for the inconvenience and hope you can understand.
This means you will not have to do the 3 minute video anymore and the screening will not happen. I'm really sorry about it.
Best wishes,
Kilian KIEFEL Documentary sales and festivals
T : +33 1 49 17 23 85 46, Avenue de Breteuil - 75007 Paris

De : Karl Amann <> Envoyé : jeudi 30 septembre 2021 14:08 À : KIEFEL Kilian <>; 'Laurin Merz' <> Cc : NODALE Suzanne <> Objet : RE: The Tiger Mafia selected at Outdocs
Dear Kilian, Just came back from a trip to the US. This below is an interesting development. Hope they have watched it and are aware of the implication of corruption and poor quality governance in places like Laos Vietnam and China as well. They might be in for some push back. Have had an experience before where an NGO was going to show one film at a press conference in Beijing and they flew me in for it. The day before the NGO leadership was called into the ministry and told that the film could not be shown, that it was a national security issue and there would be national security officials in the audience to ensure that they followed orders. I then talked about it rather than showing it. Cheers Karl
From: KIEFEL Kilian [] Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 1:02 PM To: Karl Ammann; Laurin Merz Cc: NODALE Suzanne Subject: The Tiger Mafia selected at Outdocs Dear Karl and Laurin, I hope you are doing well ! I'm very glad to annouce you the selection of The Tiger Mafia at The International Outdoor Documentary Film Festival of China (OUTDOCS) ! The festival is in November 2021 and it will be the Asian Premier. Because of covid you can't travel to China, the festival would like to show a 3 minute video were you can express your expectations and wishes for OUTDOCS and share your films & adventure with the audience in China. If you are interested in doing this video, they would need it before November 1st. Best wishes, Kilian Kilian KIEFEL Documentary sales and festivals
T : +33 1 4917 2385 46, Avenue de Breteuil - 75007 Paris
